Are you tired? Anxious?
Recovering from an injury or procedure?
Are you looking for gentle way to take care of your physical body and live in the moment?
Classes & Events
Check out my upcoming classes and events! Currently all scheduled classes are being held through Zoom.
Private Lessons
After a brief assessment and discussion, we will work together to design a practice that will both nurture and strengthen, freeing up stuck places and strengthening the over-flexible. Supplement your knowledge with the movements and mechanics that will best suit your body, your most valuable and irreplaceable companion on life’s journey.
Visit My Blog
Check out my blog for my thoughts and elaborations on teaching practices, self-exploration, and healing.
Hi, I’m Lindsay
I am deeply devoted to being of service to my authentic life, my local community, and everyone on a path of self-discovery and healing. I believe that the more we can cultivate compassion and authenticity in our lives, the more we can find joy and connection in every possible moment.